Postdoctoral or PhD Studentship in Theoretical Bioinformatics at German Cancer Research Center, 2012 Germany
Further Scholarship Information and Application
Distance Learning MBA Course to Rediscover your Potential
New Zealand Development Scholarship Program 2013
How to Apply: Online
Scholarship Application Deadline: March 31, 2012
Doctoral or Postdoctoral Studentship in the field of biological, bioengineering, biophysics, or related areas of science German Cancer Research Center in the Helmholtz Association, 2012 Germany
Study Subject(s):Theoretical Bioinformatics
Course Level:Postdoctoral or PhD
Scholarship Provider: German Cancer Research Center
Scholarship can be taken at: Germany
- Educational background (Diploma, Master or PhD) in biological, bioengineering, biophysics, or related areas of science
- Previous experience in experimental cell biology, microscopy, and computational data analysis is an advantage
- Knowledge of optics, image processing, and/or programming skills (Python, Labview, C#, VB.NET) would be a surplus
Scholarship Open for International Students: No
Scholarship Description: The group is embedded in a network of joint research labs (Division of Prof. Roland Eils) and part of the BioQuant center in Heidelberg. We are looking for Postdoc or PhD student to carry out projects in the area of (i) 3D cell culture, (ii) automatic quantitative 4D imaging, and (iii) classification and modeling of biological events.
» Studentship
» Scholarship PhD Studentship Postdoctoral in Theoretical Bioinformatics at German Cancer Research Center
Scholarship PhD Studentship Postdoctoral in Theoretical Bioinformatics at German Cancer Research Center
Posted By: Samy Steele