International Postdoctoral Research Associate in Genetics of High Cognitive Abilities at the Division of Genetics and Molecular Medicine at King’s College London,Programs are welcomed for a Postdoctoral Analysis Affiliate to be a part of a collaborative research group advancing by Dr Eileen Simpson (Division of Inherited makeup and Molecular Medication, KCL) and Teacher John Plomin (MRC SGDP Center, Institution of Psychiatry, KCL). The publish will be centered within the Department of Inherited makeup and Molecular Medication, in the Institution of Medication at King’s Higher education London, uk. The Department is a globe head in hereditary and genomic research of individual illnesses and attributes, and homes state-of-the-art genomics devices and bioinformatic facilities within a multidisciplinary research atmosphere.
Study Subject(s):Genetics of High Cognitive Abilities
Course Level: Postdoctoral Research
Scholarship Provider: ERC
Scholarship can be taken at: UK
How to Apply: Email
Scholarship Application Deadline: 30-Jul-2012
Scholarship Information:
-International programs will be regarded for this place.
-Applicants should have a very effective qualifications in analysis, bioinformatics, handling or handed down cosmetics with a verified highly effective analytic element, and an interest in the handed down foundation complicated features.
-Candidates should have a confirmed book popularity, be highly motivated individuals with excellent connections abilities, and have the ability to work independently.