2013/14 Fellowships/Grants for US Applicants in Scandinavian Countries
The American-Scandinavian Foundation (ASF) offers fellowships (up to $23,000) and grants (up to $5,000) to individuals to pursue research, study or creative arts projects in one or more Scandinavian country for up to one year. The number of awards varies each year according to total funds available. Awards are made in all fields.

Applicants must have a well-defined research, study or creative arts project that makes a stay in Scandinavia essential.
Applicants must be United States citizens or permanent residents.
Applicants must have completed their undergraduate education by the start of their project in Scandinavia.
Team projects are eligible, but each member must apply as an individual, submitting a separate, fully-documented application.
First priority will be given to applicants who have not previously received an ASF award. Only in exceptional cases will a third award be considered.
Language Requirements
The ASF considers it desirable that all candidates have at least some ability in the language of the host country, even if it is not essential for the execution of the research plan.
For projects that require a command of one or more Scandinavian (or other) languages, candidates should defer application until they have the necessary proficiency.
Terms of Award
Projects should not begin before April 15th, following the decision announcement date.
Grants are considered especially suitable for post-graduate scholars, professionals, and candidates in the arts to carry out research or study visits of one to three months duration.
Fellowships are intended to support a year-long stay. Priority is given to candidates at the graduate level for dissertation-related study or research.
The awards support project-related costs, including maintenance, trans- Atlantic round-trip travel, in-country travel, tuition and fees (where applicable) and materials expenditures (e.g., books, photocopying, art supplies).
ASF awards may require supplementation from other sources, but they should not duplicate the benefits of additional awards (and vice versa). Candidates must notify the ASF if they have received other award offers. The ASF will not provide funds if, in its judgment, a proposal can be carried out without its assistance.
Applicants are urged to arrange their academic or professional affiliations as far in advance as possible. Applicants must secure these placements or affiliations on their own; the ASF cannot assist in establishing contacts.
The ASF requires confirmation of invitation or affiliation from the institution or individuals detailed in the proposal.
Since July and August are traditionally holiday months in Scandinavia, many people may not be available for consultation. Applicants are cautioned to plan their projects accordingly.
Applicants are expected to devote full time to their proposed study or research, and must justify the length of time needed to complete their project.
Awards are based on the application submitted; subsequent changes in the proposal are discouraged and may not be considered.
The ASF does not fund the following:
Travel for attendance at professional meetings, conferences, seminars or conventions
Performances or exhibitions
Equipment purchases, including personal computers, bikes, cell phones and software
Research assistants
Institutional overhead costs
Tuition fees from U.S. home institution
Foregone salary
Supplementation of substantial sabbatical support
Support for dependents
Repayment of loans or other personal obligations
Acquisition of language skills
Study in programs especially designed for English-speaking students, or at English-language institutions
Beginning studies in any subject
Retroactive program support
Publication costs
Official Scholarship Information