PhD Student Positions in Peace and Conflict Research at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University, Those awarded a position as a PhD student shall above all engage themselves with their own doctoral education. A maximum of 20% of the position may involve other administrative and educational responsibilities at the Department.The application should be in English.
The application form for doctoral studies is available at the address below, along with detailed instructions for completing the application. Through reference to the general syllabus for graduate studies, the applicant shall determine whether s/he meets the requirements for general or special eligibility for studies in the field of peace and conflict research at the post-graduate level.
Study Subject(s):Peace and Conflict Research
Course Level:PhD
Provider: Uppsala University
Study at: Sweden
How to Apply: Online
Application Deadline: 2012-09-30
Scholarship Information:
Employment as a post-graduate student requires that the student is or will be accepted to a program of post-graduate education, which is decided by one’s ability to successfully complete the program of studies.